At our January meeting, prospective member Jeanine Granstrom shared with our registrar Jean Culver the most extensive publication of her family lineage. (Photo by Pennie Bonnet)
The Gila Butte Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently adopted a section of Dobson Road through Maricopa County’s Adopt-A-Road program. Chapter members will pick up trash along the road at least twice a year as a conservation project.
The Conservation Committee is one of the oldest committees of the National Society. It was established in 1909 with the mission of “providing and encouraging good stewardship practices for a more sustainable future for all those who will follow us.” The earliest objective of the committee was to publicize the idea of conservation and spread awareness of its principles to the general public by means of their periodic publication Conservation Current Events. The National Society encourages every chapter and each individual DAR member to become involved in conservation projects in their communities.
Anyone interested in joining DAR should contact Pennie at [email protected].
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a nonprofit, charitable organization, founded in 1890 and incorporated by an act of the United States Congress in 1896, and always welcomes new members. Membership in the society is open to any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution. The DAR functions as a volunteer service organization and is dedicated to patriotism, education and historic preservation. While DAR supports a strong national defense, it is not a political organization, nor does it lobby. Its membership includes women from Democratic, Republican and Independent political parties; women from all races and ethnic backgrounds; and women from ages 18 to 100-plus. The society does not subscribe to any particular religion, nor does it discriminate against any members who are of various religious beliefs.