Pat Crainy accepts the CMGA/Leisure World trophy after Leisure World’s victory.
Buddy Meola
The 2023 Ace of Aces Finals were played on Dec. 2 and 3. The Champions would be the lowest gross score from the Blue flight and the low net score from all the flights. A total of 56 qualifiers were divided into one Blue, two White, and one Green flight.
Blue Flight: Low Gross and Champion Steven Bennett, Low Net Steve Ambroso
White Flight 1: Low Gross Tony Phillips, Low Net Bob Kish
White Flight 2: Low Gross Buddy Meola, Low Net Joshua Bancroft
Green Flight: Low Gross Martin Schniepp, Low Net Steve Martz
Overall Net Ace of Aces Champion: Al Grefsheim
The annual Cottonwood/Leisure World Home and Home competition was played Dec. 7 at Leisure World and Dec. 9 at Cottonwood golf courses. Lunches were served prior to play on Dec. 7 and after play on Dec. 9. Thirty-five two-man teams from each club competed in match play, with teams receiving one point for winning the front, back, and total. After the first day at Leisure World, the home team held a 67.5 to 37.5 lead. The CMGA teams played well on their home course, with a 57-48 score, but Leisure World took back the Cup with a 115.5 to 94.5 total score. Pat Crainy, Leisure World Men’s Golf Association president, took possession of the Cottonwood/Leisure World Golf Champions Cup until the two groups meet next year.
On Dec. 16 an ABCD formatted Cha Cha Cha competition was held with 19 teams. The format used one gross and net score on the first hole, two gross and net scores on the second hole, and three gross and net scores on the third hole. That scoring continues for all 18 holes.
Low Gross Team: John Stromstad, Don Cermeli, Brett Johnson, Bill Score
#2 Low Gross Team: Gary Broadbent, Ed Frees, Buddy Meola, Stephen Martin
Low Net Team: Steve Lowe, Bob Kish, Doug Friessen, Ray Osborne
#2 Low Net Team: Martin Oerter, Neal Lordos, Steve Cabe, Vic DeGrande
On Dec. 23 an AD versus BC team event was played by 13 groups. Six AD teams and six BC teams were victorious, with one competition tied.
The last event of the year was played on Dec. 30. It was a match play competition. There were 38 matches between evenly matched handicaps for each player. Seven of the matches ended in ties, and the competitors enjoyed the patio party after play ended.
January events included the first 2024 Ace of Aces Qualifier, the challenging two-day Member/Member team competition, the Presidents Cup qualifying event, and an ABCD two net score team event.