Rotary Club of Sun Lakes check presentation with (left to right) Dr. Rose Saunders, The Perfect Place executive director; Rotarian Dwight and Gloria Snyder; and Judi Edmonds, chair of RCSL Local Charity/Giving Committee
Rotarians Support The Perfect Place Day Services Mission
Dr. Honora Norton, RCSL Public Image Chair
At a recent Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) meeting, Dr. Rose Saunders, The Perfect Place – Adult Day Services Executive Director, discussed how The Perfect Place provides a safe, structured environment for socialization, recreational (non-medical), and enrichment adult day care activities to those with cognitive challenges and/or older adults seeking structured activities. Dr. Saunders stated that The Perfect Place gives caregivers love, friendship, and respite time and noted that there are many ways to volunteer/support the non-profit.
The Care Center is a place where a loved one may spend time in a safe, structured environment surrounded by staff and volunteers who treat each individual with dignity, compassion, and respect. The sessions include a wide variety of activities, including educational challenges, gentle exercise, games, art, music, entertainment, snacks, and more.
After hearing Dr. Saunders’ talk, the RCSL’s Local Charity/Giving Committee met and subsequently presented a $1,000 check to support the mission of the Sun Lakes faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit.
The Perfect Place is located at 23914 S. Alma School Road, in Sun Lakes; website and resource list: www.theperfectplacecare.org; 480-895-2892; [email protected]; hours: open hours are Wednesday and Friday from 1 to 4 p.m., closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. For more information about Rotary Club of Sun Lakes’ other community service projects and/or membership, see www.sunlakesrotary.com.

Rotarian Dave and Joan Anciaux, along with Rotarian Chuck and Sandi Hawkins, celebrate the completion of the preparation of the dictionaries for delivery to 35-plus CUSD schools. See boxes of dictionaries behind the two couples. (Photo by Jon Lyons)
Rotary Club Gifts Dictionaries to CUSD Third Graders
Dr. Honora Norton, RCSL Public Image Chair
It is time for Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) Dictionary Project! Despite the Internet, dictionary use is still a needed skill. Dictionaries are important in the digital age, because they help children understand the meanings of words, learn the English language and spell words correctly, follow instructions, and carry on conversations. The more words a child knows, the better the child will be able to understand and connect with other people.
Since 2003, each school year, RCSL promotes literacy and forges connections with young people through the club’s Dictionary Project. The Dictionary Project, a nonprofit organization founded in 1995, has the goal to assist all students to become good writers, active readers, and creative thinkers by providing students a gift of their own personal dictionary. The dictionary is filled with more than just terms and definitions. It often represents the first personal book these children are given and contains a mini encyclopedia filled with maps and sections on world geography, civics, math conversion tables, science, the water cycle, planets, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, presidents, largest word, and even has illustrations for sign language and braille.
Annually, RCSL provides the purchasing, preparation, and delivery of A Student’s Dictionary with bookmarks to 3,000-plus third grade students in the Chandler Unified School District (CUSD), approved private schools, Indian reservations, and Title 9 schools. To date, the RCSL has distributed over 54,000 dictionaries. As part of the preparation, over 20 RCSL members, members of the Chandler Horizon Club, friends, and families recently held a sticker party and readied 3,078 dictionaries for delivery to CUSD schools.
Some quotes from teachers: “Please know that you have touched the lives of our students in a very meaningful way,” and “The gift of knowledge is the most precious gift of all.” The happiness and wonder on the kiddos’ faces is the gift we Rotarians receive. To quote some students from their thank you notes: “The longest word is really cool.” “That was nice of you to spend your money on the dictionaries for us!” “I will always think of the Rotary Club giving all third graders such a useful gift.” “You’re the best people ever. Keep doing what you do best.”
For more information about RCSL, see www.sunlakesrotary.com.