Acrylic painting by Desert Artists Club member Kris Szlauko
Sue Sindelar
Welcome to November and our beautiful fall season, which is in full bloom. We are grateful for the beauty of our desert as it continues to present itself with gifts of glory for all to enjoy. Here in our low desert, we have been busy planting our bulbs for spring surprises and planting perennials that give us year-round bursts of color. It is a joy to be outside these months caring for our landscapes in preparation for beautiful, lasting memories.
Thanksgiving Day may be a holiday for family and friends gathering, but all of fall is a time of thanks-giving for all that nature gives us to fill our hearts with joy and enduring beauty. For that we are always grateful. As artists, we are blessed to be able to recreate in many forms and mediums that which speaks to us in such special ways. We are blessed, and we are grateful.
The Desert Artists Club meets each Tuesday from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood Country Club. All artists who live in any of the three HOAs within Sun Lakes are invited to join. This long-established club is a diverse group of artists who gather to be with other artists in a relaxing and supportive environment. Each artist brings their own supplies and works in their preferred medium and at their own pace. We have artists of all levels and backgrounds. It is fun and inspiring to get together with other artists and learn from each other. Artists work in many mediums, including watercolors, oils, acrylics, pen and ink, pastels, and pencils, to name a few.
Our casual club has no dues or regular meetings, and we meet socially several times throughout the year to enjoy treats and share our art with each other.
If you are an artist or an artist in the making and interested in finding out more about our group, stop in any Tuesday between 3 and 5 p.m. and see if this club might work for you. You may also reach me with questions at 480-745-2198 or at [email protected].