Desert Artists Club News

An acrylic cityscape by Howard Lundgren

Sue Sindelar

Welcome back, Desert Artists Club (DAC) members from all places colder than Sun Lakes. We are now enjoying our nice weather as other clubs are returning to outside activities. We in the DAC are fortunate to be able to meet year-round. We treasure our fellow artists and friends who are starting to return. You have been missed.

We had a fun and busy Cottonwood Open House last month and were pleased to meet many folks who were interested in the DAC. There is so much talent just waiting to be expressed, from beginners to experienced artists. No matter your level, everyone is welcome to come and be inspired, observe, learn and share in the opportunity to experience art in a friendly and nonjudgmental place. We also had our first club social since 2019. It was fun to visit and share experiences and enjoy the many treats that we brought. So good to be back together. More socials are in the planning, with January including another Share Your Art exhibit.

The Desert Artists Club meets each Tuesday afternoon throughout the year, from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood, across from the Golf Pro Shop and in the courtyard across from the library. Any artist within the three HOAs of Sun Lakes is able to join. We have no membership fees or meetings. We gather to be with other artists to create in a fun and accepting environment. Each artist brings their own supplies and works in their preferred medium. Some artists paint with watercolor, gouache, inks, acrylics, or oils. Others enjoy drawing portraits of people or pets, landscapes, or interesting objects using pastels, colored pencils, or charcoal.

If you are new to Sun Lakes and wish more information, you can contact me at [email protected] or 480-745-2198.