Watercolor painting by member artist Sylvia Sanchez
Sue Sindelar
Ahh, June is summertime in the desert—a time to enjoy our indoor activities, be grateful that we don’t have to shovel any snow, and can look outside and appreciate the sunshine that brightens our days and gives us our beautiful, flowering trees and shrubs. But wait! We don’t want to be stuck inside without our friends. We need to participate in fun activities!
The Desert Artists Club (DAC) meets weekly, even during the summer months. It is a wonderful time to get out of the house now that summer temps have arrived and be inspired by other artists. Our club meets to promote good fellowship, cooperation, and development among artists and those interested in the visual arts. We meet to be a support for artists using different mediums: oil, acrylics, watercolors, pencil, pastels, pen and ink, charcoal, and mixed media. We meet each Tuesday between 3 and 6 p.m. year round in the Cottonwood Ceramics Room, A-8. We are located in a courtyard opposite the library and across from the Golf Pro Shop on Robson Boulevard, south of Riggs Road. We are here for you. Avail yourself of this wonderful opportunity!
The DAC is a casual club with no dues or regular meetings. We have artists of all abilities. No matter if you haven’t painted in many years and want to get back to creating, we are just what the doctor ordered. We encourage each other and enjoy being together learning, or relearning many times, and moving forward in our pursuit of art. Art keeps us young in spirit as we give ourselves the gift of quality time creating. We have a library of instructional and inspiring books and some videos for members’ use. Prioritize your artistic talents and join us any Tuesday. Our club has occasional social gatherings, with potluck-style snacks, and “Share Your Art” where we bring a few of our art pieces to display. It is a fun and enjoyable time. Some of our members participate in Art at the Lakes each spring here in Sun Lakes.
If you are an artist or wannabe artist and live within the three HOAs of Sun Lakes, you are eligible to join. Feel free to stop in and check us out. We are a friendly and accepting group. You may also contact me for further information at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 480-745-2198. Most questions can be answered by members during our weekly gatherings, so don’t hesitate to stop in. We have new artists joining often throughout the year.