Diana Jones (right), with help from Jody Edwards, shows fabric she ice dyed during her talk at the May meeting of Desert Threads quilters.
The May meeting featured Diana Jones demonstrating how fabric can be dyed using the Ice Dye Technique. She showed many fabric examples that were first tied, then set in a tub with a variety of colored dye and ice. As the ice melts, it causes the dye to seep into the fabric and create a design with many colors. She showed several examples created during a class at Cindy Lohbeck’s Dyehards Studio.
Members have been working on keeping cool, leaving town for vacations, visiting family and friends, and sewing quilts and tote bags for the charities we support. We are also working on finishing many UFOs (Unfinished Objects) to meet the challenge deadline of December, 2022. Prizes will be awarded to members who complete the most projects that were in progress at the beginning of the calendar year. Meetings will resume in September at the Phoenix Room in Cottonwood, in Sun Lakes. Read about our meetings in the September issue of the Splash and other Robson newspapers.
Desert Threads is a chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild (AQG), which has chapters around the state. The Sewing Room in IronOaks is available on different days during the summer for the use of Desert Threads members to work on their projects with other members. AQG provides free lectures and low-fee classes for members via Zoom virtual platform. Free virtual lectures are being given on Aug. 4 (“Flying Colors Trunk Show”) and Sept. 13 (“Smash Your Stash”). Join the AQG at their website, www.arizonaquiltersguild.org, to see the virtual lectures. Then join Desert Threads to meet with local quilters from Sun Lakes and the surrounding area. For information about Desert Threads, send an email to [email protected].