Pam Rackley, with help from Monica from Sweet Pz Dezigns, shows a sample done with the grid foundation technique shown at a meeting.
Sue Bart
At the first meeting for 2024, members learned an easy technique for creating patchwork in which seams line up perfectly. Pam Rackley, the guest speaker, showed some favorite new products and a demo of how grid foundations are used. Pam showed some samples by Ten Sisters EasyPiecing Grid and SmartGrid. Some members have used this technique and agree it is extremely helpful to create easily pieced designs. Quilters are always improving their skills for crafting beautiful quilts.
At the February meeting, Program Chair Cindy Templeton has several demos and mini-lessons scheduled for a Quilters University program. Anyone interested in quilting, including beginners, is encouraged to come to our meetings on the second Wednesday of every month. We meet in the Sun Lakes Cottonwood Computer Learning Center at 9:30 a.m.
Maryellen Swanson, our education chair, schedules in-person classes every month. Classes coming up include improvisational collage to create art quilts, using rulers to cut fabric for curved piecing, making various bags and purses, techniques to sew perfectly matching seams and pattern points, and other classes.
The January meeting included announcements and Show & Tell by members. Sue Bart announced that the celebration party planned for March 13 will include a small quilted item gift exchange. Two small group formations were announced: a needlework group and an art quilt group.
Desert Threads is a chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild (AQG), arizonaquiltersguild.org. Lectures are streamed live on Zoom every month and are free to AQG members. There are small quilt shows done by other chapters all over Arizona identified on the website and in the newsletter, as well as links for shops, designers, teachers, etc. You can find another chapter when you visit elsewhere in Arizona.
Desert Threads welcomes anyone, regardless of residence, to join our meetings on the second Wednesday of every month in the Lecture Hall at the Sun Lakes Cottonwood Computer Learning Center. Other days of the month, plans exist for learning, sewing, creating quilts for charity, and socializing. We start at 9:30 a.m. (social time at 9 a.m.). For more information, send an email to [email protected] (be sure to include both “T”s).