
Unit 36C Luminaria Walk Update

Steve and Robyn Moody, Chairmen

Due to COVID-19 and Governor Ducey’s guidelines, the annual Luminaria Walk/Food Donation Steering Committee has developed an alternate plan. This plan will enable our community to enjoy the holiday season around Diamond Lake, and to keep it as safe as possible for everyone.

The homeowners around Diamond Lake will continue to beautifully decorate and light up their backyards during the holiday season. Everyone is invited to walk around the lake any night during the season, and enjoy the lights and decorations. There will NOT be a dedicated weekend or any luminarias this year. Please DO wear a mask to protect your family, friends, and neighbors.

The Food Drive will look different as well. This year, more than ever, AZCEND (our local food bank) really needs your donations. AZCEND will provide donation boxes for cans and boxed food items at the Oakwood clubhouse and at the Diamond Lake entrances during the holiday season. Another way to assist this organization would be by cash donations. AZCEND is a qualifying organization for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. AZCEND has made a special account for our group to donate through the Arizona Tax Credit. Please use the dedicated donation URL address azcend.org/annual-food-drive to make your donations, so that ASCEND can track the donations specifically to Diamond Lake. Donations to AZCEND qualify for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit which lets you claim a donation as a tax credit. This means that you can provide support to people in need at NO cost to you. Tax credits reduce your Arizona State income taxes dollar-for-dollar, as a credit (not a deduction). Your donation of up to $800 (married/filing jointly) or up to $400 (filing individually) to AZCEND will be appreciated. Any amount is welcome! Please remember to use the URL address azcend.org/annual-food-drive.

Again, 2020 has hit us all in some way or another. Diamond Lake/Unit 36C is dedicated to continue to support our community, but to remain safe while enjoying the holidays. Thank you for your support!

Happy Holidays to all!

If you have questions regarding donations, please email us at rmoody55@hotmail.com.