“Dog is my Co-pilot” will be featured in a presentation at the Sun Lakes Aero Club’s (SLAC) gathering December 15 at the Sun Lakes Country Club. The public is invited to attend.
Gary Vacin
Sun Lakes dog lovers and pilots are invited to attend the Sun Lakes Aero Club’s (SLAC) Dec. 15 gathering featuring a presentation by an organization dedicated to saving dogs’ lives. Set for the Sun Lakes Country Club, the session begins with coffee and camaraderie at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7:00 p.m.
Judy Zimet, a Phoenix attorney who also serves as executive director of the organization, aptly named “Dog is my Co-Pilot,” will be the featured speaker. Zimet said the organization flies from Arizona to 10 states in the Pacific and Rocky Mountain regions. “Our group is credited with taking 1,000 dogs, many of them Chihuahuas, from Arizona to non-kill shelters in other states in the last few years,” she says.
On trips out of Arizona, the breed usually being transported is Chihuahuas. According to Maricopa county Animal Care and Control, there are so many here that it tends to be overwhelming for people. Sending them some place where they might not have as many Chihuahuas certainly means they’ll get adopted a lot quicker than they would if they stayed here.
Now in its 18th year, SLAC sponsors programs the third Monday each month November through April at the Sun Lakes Country Club. The programs are open to all Sun Lakes residents and others interested in aviation. More information on the club is available from Bob Walch at 895-8869, Gary Vacin at 298-7017, or at the club’s web site at www.sunlakesaeroclub.org.