3.0/3.5/4.0: Julie Evans, Carol Trentadue, Tammy Knight, Neda Mead, Adriana Michael, Susie Dunn, Barb Ludwig, Gwen Lucas, Sue Aparicio, Tony Reider, Andi Jenack, Lorna Lang, Maryann Sinerius
Dannette Hunnel and Susie Dunn
In December the Cottonwood Ladies Tennis Leagues gathered to celebrate the end of the Fall Tennis Season. Food, laughs, and prizes took place. All came away with an appreciation of individual accomplishments, full bellies, and new recipes. The CTC tennis players are wonderful bakers and decorators, too.
From Susie Dunn, League Director:
On Dec. 16, 2024, after 12 weeks of play in a round-robin format with sets to eight games each, the 3.0/3.5/4.0 Ladies League celebrated their Fall Season finale with a tasty lunch and awards. Congratulations to Julie Evans in first place with 59.90%, Carol Trentadue in second place with 57.8%, and tied for third place were Tammy Knight and Susie Dunn at 56.77%. With a possibility of winning 24 games on game day, three of the ladies reached 19 points each. They were Barbara Ludwig, Tammy Knight, and Barb Jorgensen. Two players reached 18 points each, Julie Evans and Linda Dirksmeyer. Gwen Lucas captured the title for the most consistent player of the league, with many 15-point games. A huge thank you to Susan Aparicio and Toni Reider for organizing the luncheon and to League Director Susie Dunn for a successful season. Susie states that the league will be larger in the spring as more members return in January. The Spring League runs Jan. 6 through March 31. All 3.0/3.5/4.0 players are welcome.
On Dec. 18, 2024, the 2.0/2.5 Ladies League Fall Season results were as follows: First place Teresa Hermsen with 126 points, second place Christy Thomas with 117 points, and third place Linda Vogelaar with 114 points. Special thanks to Christy Thomas who took charge of organizing our weekly play throughout the season and arranged our fun gathering. The 2.0/2.5 Spring League began on Jan. 22, and new members are very welcome.
February continues with weekly free Tennis Clinics on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. You don’t have to be a member to join clinics, and balls and racquets are available.
Want to be part of these fun groups? Love tennis but can’t play the full court? Short court tennis is your answer. We will teach you. Short court play is open to all HOA homeowners on Thursdays at 6 p.m. Short court tennis organized leagues are available three times weekly. Try it, you’ll like it.
Can’t play tennis? Then join us as a Social Member for half the membership price and receive the benefits of attending all socials, enjoying the food and camaraderie. For information about the Tennis Club, free clinics, or upcoming tennis and social events, go to www.cottonwoodtennisclub.com.