Former Blue Angels boss Rear Adm. Dennis Wisely (USN Ret.) will be the guest speaker at the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering on February 15.
Gary Vacin
A Vietnam veteran who flew as flight leader of the Navy Blue Angels precision flying team will be featured speaker at the Sun Lakes Aero Club (SLAC) gathering on Monday, February 15 at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room. Open to the public, the event begins with coffee and camaraderie at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7:00 p.m.
Rear Adm. Dennis Wisely (USN Ret.) flew 350 combat missions over Vietnam and was shot down by ground fire on a Hanoi strike. He flew 60 miles with no hydraulics, and was later picked up by a rescue helicopter. He was Blue Angels flight leader during 1980-81.
Adm. Wisely has 5,500 total flight hours, including 850 carrier landings. He also served as captain of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. John F. Kennedy.
SLAC is an official Sun Lakes organization made up of pilots, former pilots and others having any interest in aviation. The club sponsors monthly gatherings as well as fly-ins and field trips November through April. You can access SLAC’s website at www.sunlakesaeroclub.com or contact Bob Walch at 895-8869 or Gary Vacin at 298-7017 for additional information.