Pastor Jerry McGhee
The Church (by Biblical definition, the Body of Christ) is in the business of dispensing water. Jesus said; “…whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst…” – that “living water” is the most important of all. Jesus fills the thirst in our soul.
Recently, I learned of a project, miraculous in many ways, that involves providing fresh-water wells to villages in Sierra Leone, Africa. Knowing nothing of sanitation, villagers bathe, wash laundry and utensils in nearby streams of water. They drink and cook from the same stream. The Global Outreach Mission offered to dig a fresh-water well and give it to a village in exchange for permission to build a church. So far, they have completed over 200 of these wells with pumps and have established churches and even Christian Schools.
The Global Outreach Team approaches a village chief and offers to dig a well in exchange for land to build a church. No village has turned them down.
I was immediately attracted to this because my father, when living in Illinois, was a water well driller. The Lord has blessed our Church with above and beyond giving in recent months, and we were looking for a deserving project – this came along and we prayerfully considered giving to this project.
With our Church Board approval, we have sent $25,000 which will provide for the funding for six fresh-water wells with pumps and establish as many churches in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
A few years ago, there was an outbreak of the Ebola virus, killing thousands. The conclusion of health officials was that polluted water was a major source of the epidemic. In the area where Global Outreach Mission had provided wells, there was little or no Ebola. Clean water is a primary defense against such disaster.
The Purpose of Global Outreach Mission is primarily evangelism – sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Living Water nourishes the soul. That is why Jesus instructed us to give a cup of cold water in His name. We are trying to do that – it is the least we can do.
Every month, a fixed percentage of our budget goes to missions at home and abroad. If you don’t have a church home, come check us out some Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. at Sun Lakes Chapel, across the street from the Sun Lakes Country Club, or visit our website at Our phone is 480-895-9147.