Fun Lakers Holiday Party: Rosie Raisanen, Karen Wilkson, Kristen Cutner (photo by Linda Baer)
Jacque Texeira and Joyce Selk
The Dance Parties will continue until summer. Thursday, March 16, is a ‘50s theme Dance Party with an honest-to-gosh Dance-Off. The top three dancers will win cash prizes: $100, $50, and $25. Got a poodle skirt? Splash Band will provide our music.
The cash bar and limited menu will be available, as usual, so come early. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and music plays from 7 until 9:30 p.m. Tickets are available for $10 per person per dance at www.funlakers.org and at the door. Dances are open to the public, so bring your friends. The dances are at the Cottonwood ballroom where we enjoy the ballroom-size dance floor.
Members only: Be sure to get out your calendar and mark March 18 for the Golf Cart Rally. Note: This is a date change from March 25. We are excited, because this year it’s at Cottonwood, which will be a bigger route than last year, and we will be able to have the games at the five lakes. This is a members-only event, so make sure your membership is current.
Join now or renew. Membership is $15 per year and runs from January through December. Membership covers card and game groups like Euchre, Mexican Train, and Texas Hold’em Poker, as well as Bocce Ball and the Solo group. It also allows participation in other special events like the Holiday Dinner Dance, Progressive Dinner, Golf Cart Rally, and more.
Go to our website, www.funlakers.org, for more information, and join today!
For event questions, contact Lexie Ours at 480-399-9500. For membership questions, contact Stu Frost at 602-332-5676.