Bea Loozer
Sometimes I feel like we’re surrounded by numbers—numbers that might be important for identity, like your SSN, or for something else, like income or birthday.
What numbers are important to you? I bet it’s not your IQ or your high school grade point average. Maybe it’s your latest golf score. Or maybe your important numbers include your blood pressure and insulin level.
And if you’re like some Goalies, one of your numbers might be for setting a walking goal for the day—3,000 or 5,000 or even 10,000 steps.
I suggest there’s another number to consider. This number might help us put our weight in perspective. It’s called, for short, BMI (body mass index). It’s actually a number on a chart or table. It’s based on lots of research and uses your height and weight, so it’s easy to interpret. As one source explains, it’s an estimate of body fat and a good gauge of your risk for diseases that can occur with more body fat, including heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, and certain cancers.
My BMI is one of the numbers that I’m happy to say has declined while I’ve been a member of Golden Goalies. Check your BMI. And if you decide not to look into it, that’s OK because we make our own decisions. Or maybe we can just ask Alexa what “she” thinks.
Come join us for good company, support, laughs, and shared wisdom. Weigh-in is Saturday from 7:00 to 7:40 a.m. in Room A-8, near the Cottonwood Library. The meeting starts after weigh-in. Contact Rita at 480-223-8340 for more information.