Grief Support Group Starts in Sun Lakes

Jean Hamlin

A weekly grief support group has started at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m., in Room 1 of the Education Building. It is not GriefShare but, instead, an informal gathering of people, facilitated by Pastor David Holling, who are experiencing grief and need a safe place to come, share, and discuss with others what they are going through.

There may be a theme or idea focused on each week, but if the discussion leads elsewhere, we will go with the discussion. Participants will build and dictate the agenda each week. What is most important is that participants have a safe place to share their real and genuine feelings and ideas. Registration is not necessary; come as you are able. For further information, contact Pastor David at 480-895-8766.