Hearing loss expert to address Ladies Community Chit and Chat Group


Rose Pachura

The Ladies Community Chit and Chat Breakfast Group will be meeting at Oakwood Country Club Stone & Barrel restaurant Alcove on Wednesday morning, June 6, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. All Women in the Greater Chandler Community are invited to attend. We want to learn about you and you learn about us. So, let’s talk! Share your ideas and talents with new friends and old friends. Talk about memories, accomplishments, family or a loss. Find solutions to everyday problems, frustrations and maybe even conquer updates on computer and technology usage and answers to trusts, health issues and everyday difficulties and investment knowledge and home safety. Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives and come for a relaxing, fun-filled morning and go home being inspired and uplifted and looking forward to coming back for another meeting.

Attendees will order off the menu, and it is set up so that each person will be able to pay for her own breakfast. Come early before the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and/or stay later after the meeting for networking and more camaraderie.

The program for this meeting will be a presentation by Elizabeth K. Booth, hearing loss support specialist, who will encourage and assist people with hearing problems and their families to overcome problems and find solutions to difficulties. For reservations, information or questions, please contact Rose Pachura at 480-802-0775 or email [email protected]. Please make a reservation by Monday, June 4, 2018. All are welcome.