Moderate hikers at Coffee Flats this past December
(photo by Henry Silberblatt)
Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club
It’s February, and it’s hard to believe this year’s hiking season is already halfway over. Where does the time go?! This season has gone fast, and that’s because of all the great hikes and social gatherings that have filled the calendar so far this season.
Everyone who attended enjoyed the Holiday Brunch hosted by Diane Alessi, Henry Silberblatt, and Marilyn Harkins. At the Winter Social was where we had to say goodbye and give thanks to DeEtte Faith for her years of service to the club as past president and social coordinator. She is moving to be closer to grandchildren and family in Oklahoma. We will miss her! If you’d like to take over her social coordinator position, please let our president Ted Maresh know.
Planning continues for the Special Hike in Sierra Vista March 18 to 21. Hike leaders traveled last month to the area to pre-hike trails and finalize details on which hikes will be led. Check our Meetup site for the latest updates on the trip.
At our January meeting Henry Silberblatt gave an enlightening presentation on how to take better hiking photos. If you would like his “Photo Tips” two-page handout, email Henry at [email protected] and he will send you a copy. More presentations are in the works for upcoming monthly meetings. Always check our Meetup site for details.
Like the idea of hiking socially? Join our club and enjoy all that we have to offer. We are a friendly, inclusive group of hikers welcoming all able-bodied hikers. Our goal is to make group hiking fun, challenging, social, and safe. We hike Mondays at three different intensity levels and often a second “mellow” or “moderate” hike on Wednesdays. Our club is open to anyone living in Sun Lakes and SunBird. Annual dues are still only $5! Best bargain around.
For more information about our club, please type in “Sun Lakes Hiking Club” into your web browser and look for our Meetup page. You’ll find information about our club along with photos and descriptions of past and future hikes. If you have questions about the club not answered on our website, please contact our president Ted Maresh at [email protected] and he can help you.
Hiking is one of the many rewarding activities you can do in our community. We look forward to hiking with you!