Keith Landry, IMGA Vice President
Bruce McCorkle
Keith Landry—New IMGA VP
Growing up in an Air Force family, Keith started playing golf at the young age of 11. He’s still endeavoring to perfect his game and eliminate the yips which sometimes plague him.
Working for 30 years for the Department of Defense in the Foreign Military Sales Accounting area allowed him to travel internationally, sometimes with his loving wife of many years, Vicki. They moved from Indianapolis and settled in Sun Lakes in 2016 and enjoy playing golf (often together).
As a veteran of the Air National Guard, Keith brings his youthful enthusiasm and many talents to serve as the new IMGA vice president. When you next see Keith, please thank him for being willing to volunteer! Without people like him who step forward to serve, there would be no IMGA! Thanks, Keith!
Board Opening—Publicity
Bruce McCorkle came on the IMGA Board in 2017 as publicity chair and is stepping down. If you feel led to donate your time and talents to IMGA as publicity chair, please contact a board member or Bruce at [email protected].
We still have several holes which need some TLC from Adopt-A-Hole volunteers. Please contact Ross Serold at [email protected].
Lloyd Schaffer—Treasurer
IMGA is in great shape financially. The latest Treasurer’s Report can be found on the IMGA website under Member Information/IMGA Board & Financials.
First-Place Winners in Their Flight:
12/10 Home and Home Palo Verde: Todd Lenseigne, Don Crookston, Bob Lobban 12/10 1 Best Gross and 1 Best Net: Tim Colley, Dennis Winchell, Michael Crewdson
12/17 Stableford 4-Man Team: Kelly Hartshorn, Rod Blane, James Johnson, John Schuler, Pat Rather, Jerry Steffes, John Hoffman, Rex Bunkley
12/24 Individual Low Net: Dan Bly, Randy Moe, Neil Anderson, Gary Russell, Clay Zinkie, Bob Love, Ross Serold, Richard Gihring
1/07 1 Best Gross and 1 Best Net: Kevin Koznick, Bob Olson, Mick Galliher, Don Milberger, Lee Smith, John Hoffman, Ron Jenks
Major Events Coming Soon:
2/18: Member/Guest
2/25, 3/04, and 3/11: Club Championship
4/01: Member/Member