Joe Rizzi, Ironwood Cup Champion
Bruce McCorkle
Ironwood Cup
After three grueling rounds, Joe Rizzi squeaked out a win by one stroke! Congratulations, Joe! The first-place winners in other flights were John Vigen, Bob Olson, Thomas Ahart, Rodger Brandt, and William McConnell.
Board Opening—Publicity
Please contact Rich Popham or another board member if you are interested in assuming the role of publicity chairman for IMGA.
Adopt A Hole
We still have several holes that need some TLC from Adopt A Hole volunteers. Please contact Ross Serold at [email protected].
Rules, Doug Stodgel
The rules clinic went well. Thanks to all who attended!
Play Cards
According to Golf Advisory Committee Representative Ross Serold, play cards can only be used by the individual holding the card.
First-Place Winners in Their Flights
1/07. 2 Best Balls Net 4 Man: Bob Olson, Mike Hislop, Don Crookston, William McConnell, Dan Kiska, Pat Rather, Buddy Truesdell, Richard Gihring
1/14. Ironwood Cup 1st Round: Mark Nichols, Mark Saylor, Harry Johnson, Buddy Truesdell, Ronal Fager, William McConnell
1/21. Ironwood Cup 2nd Round: Joh Vigen, Brock Nyberg, Keith Landry, Brian Ironside, Jerry Pedersen, Michael Kozak
1/28. Ironwood Cup Final Round: Dan Schuurmans, Bob Olson, Kevin Janssen, Joe D’Amore, Richard Gihring, Don Nielsen
Major Events Coming Soon
3/04: Club Championship Round 2
3/11: Club Championship Round 3
4/01: Member/Member