Wayne Karp, IMGA webmaster
Wayne Karp
Wayne is a fine example of a person who “gives back.” In addition to having served on the HOA board and other service positions, he has done an amazing job of creating and maintaining the IMGA website and continues to share his time and talents for the benefit of his community. Thank you, Wayne, for all you do!
Bruce McCorkle, Publicity
An election of officers will be held at the beginning of the morning and afternoon rounds on Dec. 5. Our existing slate of officers has kindly agreed to serve another term if elected. They are Rich Popham, president; Kevin McCarthy, vice president; Ross Serold, secretary; and Lloyd Schafer, treasurer. If you would like to submit your name for any of these positions, please contact Bruce at [email protected].
Bruce will be taking pictures over the next couple of months and will update the IMGA Photo Album.
Lloyd Schaeffer, Treasurer
Lloyd reported that the league is in good shape financially. The complete financials are posted on the IMGA website, www.iwmensgolf.com.
Ted Osborne, Membership
Please renew your membership on the IMGA website, www.iwmensgolf.com.
Dick Boscombe
Dick reports that prize distribution continues with very few issues. From Jan. 3 through Oct. 31, 2023, members played in the AM with a payout of $7,285 for 1,107 players. In the PM, 1,283 members played with a payout of $6,198 for 630 players. Overall, 52.5% of the players received chits.
Al McCormick, Greens, Grounds, Food and Beverage Chairman
Food of the upcoming Home-Home will include drink tickets redeemable for water, soda, or PBR only. For the Member-Guest on Feb. 20, 2024, he has reserved the Oakwood ballroom.
Coming Soon
12/5: Home and Home, Palo Verde
12/9: Home and Home, Palo Verde
1/16: Ironwood Cup, Round 1
1/23: Ironwood Cup, Round 2
1/30: Ironwood Cup, Round 3
2/20: Member–Guest Tournament
For more information, go to www.iwmensgolf.com.
First-Place Winners in Their Flight:
9/19 Individual Stableford: John Kirkpatrick, Ron Rogers, Richard Rathburn, Dennis Schepp, James Johnson, Gary Furlong
10/17 Scramble: Bruce Pape, Bob Barnett, Eddie Cauffman, Don Milberger and Harry Johnson, Joseph Ferrazza, Paul Beeks, Larry Birlin
10/24 4-Man Scramble: Kurt Schnabel, Rich Pavlak, Paul Calkins, Jim Broich and Pat Rather, Howie Dielmann, Jim Czaja, Richard Gihring
10/31 4-Man Scramble: Bob Kaczmarek, Terry Flynn, Ron Wagener and Dave Anderson, Dan Kiska, Joseph Denapoli, Tom Wheaton
11/7 Individual Low Net: Gary Leath, Mike Scroggins, Dan Strafalace, Eddie Cauffman, Chris Kempley, Gary Russell, Rick Staszewski, Kurt Sass, Jim Czaja, Ivan Vranjes
IMGA’s mission is to promote, encourage, and advance men’s golf in accordance with the rules adopted by the United States Golf Association (USGA), subject to modification by IronOaks local rules, and to promote courtesy and sportsmanship in the game of golf.