In Honor of Lois

Lois Valleau

Rina Cupples

Reiki has been established here in Sun Lakes because of Lois Valleau. She brought it with her from Alaska/Washington in 1995. Lois made her transition to Higher Life on Aug. 6, to the deep sorrow of everyone who knew her.

During all the years Lois lived here, she taught Reiki, comforted people with Reiki, and shared it every week in the Reiki Circle. Her dedication never waned. Lois exemplified the Principles of Reiki throughout her life in the peace, generosity, and grace she gave so freely. Her home and heart were always open.

She helped me tremendously by showing me better ways to “be,” during those years I had the good fortune to co-teach with her. I thank and honor Lois as my good friend, asking God’s blessings of love to continue to guide her forever more.