IronOaks neighbors: This article is for all who would welcome new social amenities to our community. Proposed new amenities are shown in the accompanying multi-use park rendering that the IronOaks Board funded in 2016. The legend on the right side of the park rendering identifies amenities one through nine. The park area is between the Oakwood Clubhouse and the golf driving range.
The proposed park offers something for everyone in IronOaks.
How can IronOaks homeowners help make new park amenities a reality? Respond to the January 2021 homeowner strategic survey from the McMahon Group. Support a multi-use park in both the ranking and comment areas of the strategic survey. This survey can tell our IronOaks Master Planning Committee and Board of Directors that we still need a park.
The Park’s Landscape Architect included walking paths, shade, open spaces, gathering areas, and new social amenities. The park would transform a barren rocky parcel into a beautiful amenity with views like those from the Oakwood Clubhouse patio.
The plan can also be modified to resolve a pedestrian hazard by providing a safe walking path from the Villas to the Oakwood Clubhouse.
Most importantly, the park invites healthful socialization, relaxation, and mental contentment. These are important for all active adults.
Individuals can lounge on a shaded bench for quiet reflection by the lake or gaze at spectacular sunsets. Social groups and organized teams can enjoy bocce, the putting course, or gathering areas.
The addition of these new amenities was validated by the McMahon Group principal when he briefed the IronOaks Board in October about trends in adult communities. He emphasized the value of informal gathering areas and the growing use of putting courses by golfers wishing to sharpen their game.
Additional park uses include Yoga, Tai Chi, stretching, and balance training. Community events are also envisioned for the great lawn, patio area, and ramada. Park users can then enjoy after-activity beverages or carry-out food from Stone & Barrel.
The proposed park and amenities would maximize homeowner use of a high value view property. It would beautify and greatly complement the Clubhouse area. The park would also fulfill a long-term effort to add “missing amenities” in IronOaks. The park has something for everyone.
The park is the type of project the Facilities and Community Enhancement (FACE) Fund was created to support. If you are unfamiliar with FACE, that was the funding source for the new pickleball courts and additional parking by the Fitness Center. FACE is continually replenished as part of the homebuying process for new IronOaks residents.
Help make the park a reality and turn a barren, rocky eyesore into a point of beauty and pride that adds value to the IronOaks community. Give a high ranking to park components in the strategic survey and specifically mention the park in the comment section if you like what you see.
A multi-use park is important to the ongoing development, beautification, and addition of needed amenities in the IronOaks community. Help make it happen.