IronOaks Breakers Pool League


Larry Stadler

Tournament Director Ed Allen came up with an idea to have a “Scotch Doubles” 8 Ball Tournament. The Breakers Board and league members thought this was a good idea, so the tournament logistics were developed.

Sign-up was from May 2, 2018, through May 15, 2018.

Format: When the sign-up period ends, Tournament Director Ed Allen will list all players signed up in order of their handicap ranking – highest to lowest. Partners will be matched as follows: The highest-ranking player is partnered with the lowest ranking. The next highest-ranking player with the next lowest ranking. The process continues until all partners are matched.

“Scotch Doubles” is played as follows: Team partners alternate shots during the match. If one partner makes a “called” ball, their partner then shoots. If there is a miss, the opposing team begins to shoot. The Scotch Doubles 8 Ball Tournament is a race to five games – first team to five wins the match. The top three teams will play off in finals. Each doubles team will call opponents to schedule their match.

Play Dates: Play began Friday, May 18, and continues through Wednesday, June 13, 2018. Playoffs for first, second and third will be held Friday, June 15, 2018. Cash awards will follow.

We encourage members and friends to join us for the playoffs on June 15. Watch and enjoy some great pool players exhibit their skills. Playoff times will be posted in the Breakers Pool Room early in June. This tournament should be a lot of fun, yet highly competitive.

Great idea, Ed!