IronOaks Ladies Pool Club: October Starts Our New Season

Judy Wolthausen

During the summer, those of us who are brave and stay in Sun Lakes year-round gather on Tuesday mornings at 9:15 to play pool. We capitalize on the more relaxed summer months by having fun and trying to improve our skills. We have many talented players on our club to learn from, and we ask several of the men to share techniques with us periodically so we can learn something new. We start a new season in October when everyone is likely to be back from their travels.

Often, there is an Open House in the Oakwood ballroom where newcomers get to see what clubs and activities are available for joining. If you haven’t yet, attend the Open House to see all that’s available to you. COVID-19 and other illnesses took a big toll on all the groups. We are lucky to have added more than a half dozen new members over the last few months. I’m sure you’ll love getting to know these wonderful women.

Most people haven’t played pool in ages when they check us out. The reality is that our brains store all that you knew away, and it magically reappears as you start to play and nudge your pool-playing memories back to life! It happened to all of us, so you’re in good company. Some of us practice with other members in late afternoon or evening. So, if that would help you feel better, you can join in. But we all know it will come back, so don’t feel you need to. There are all levels of experience in the group, and we like it that way. We like to have fun, too. We lunch as a group often, trying new restaurants.

We play in the Billiards Room in the Oakwood Country Club building on Tuesday mornings starting at 9:15 a.m. for warm up, and play starts promptly at 9:30 a.m. and ends promptly at 11 a.m. when the guys start their league play. Everything you need to play is there, so if you don’t have a cue stick, it doesn’t matter. Our only rule is you need to stay through 11 a.m. We don’t allow leaving early to get to your next club or activity, as it wouldn’t be fair to your partner. Absences for doctors’ appointments and the like are, of course, exceptions. So, what do you have to lose? Drop on by at 9:15 a.m. on Tuesdays and check us out. I’m sure you will be very happy you did. Feel free to call me at 630-728-5937 for more information. We look forward to getting to know you!