Beth Zdeblick
Regular league play will officially start at Ironwood Golf Course on Oct. 14. During the month of October, due to overseeding, it will be cart path only. Rather than the usual shotgun format, the ladies will tee off between 8 and 9 a.m. It will be great to see old faces, but the IWLN are always happy to see new faces. Anyone interested in joining should contact Janis Gustafson at
A very tenacious group of Lady Niners braved the brutal heat this summer, by starting play at 6:30 a.m. The oppressive heat did not stop the ladies from having fun and golfing well. The shot of the summer appeared to be chip-ins. Ann Gavin chipped in from 120 yards out on the first hole at Ironwood. Ann said, “That’s probably as close as I’ll ever come to a hole-in-one!” Eileen Moberg had two chip-ins on the second and fifth hole of Ironwood on the same day! Good golfing, ladies!
Due to COVID-19, golfers will practice social distancing, wearing face masks in the golf shop, and allowing four golf carts per group. Hopefully, things will change sometime in the near future, but until that time, the Ironwood Lady Niners will practice safe golf.
Time to say goodbye to a good friend, to a skilled golfer, and to our current president of the IWLN, Sandy Krediet. Although this is sad news for the Lady Niners, Sandy will be very happy enjoying her new granddaughter in her new home in Chambersburg, Pa. A huge thank you to Sandy for all the time and energy she put into making the IWLN a successful golf group. Sandy had a motto that in today’s volatile world is excellent advice: “Be kind to one another.” Sandy, keep spreading those words.