The 2015-2016 Board of the Sun Lakes Italian Club are from left to right: Co-Vice President Betty Tuzzolino, Treasurer Carole Anne Smith, Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Smith, President Marie Szymanski, and Secretary Donna Haugland. Not pictured are President Elect Linda Schwartz and Co-Vice President Janet Bideaux.
Donna Haugland, Secretary
The Sun Lakes Italian American Club membership rolls are open to those who are interested in Italian culture, food and a good time. Our regular business meetings occur on the first Monday of the month in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club. We begin at 6:00 p.m. with a dinner, have a short business meeting and end with social time. Join us for some fun, some games and meet some of your friends and neighbors who share a similar love of everything Italian. Dues are $15 per year and are now due.
Our next event will be our annual Christmas Party on December 7. Food will be provided be the Sun Lakes Country Club. Members, ex-members and guests are welcome. The cost will be $15 per person. Come join us for some fun, food and holiday merriment. Reservations need to be made no later than December 1.
If you are planning to come or would like more information call Marie Szymanski at 883-1817 or Linda Schwartz at 802-1312 or e-mail Donna Haugland at [email protected].