Left to right: Jeff Vance, Fitness and Wellness Director, IronOaks at Sun Lakes; Matt Gleason, USTA Southwest; and Kwong Young, IronOaks tennis professional
The IronOaks Tennis Club (IOTC) in Sun Lakes is hosting the annual Jason Morton Tennis Classic from Feb. 26 through March 2. The USTA Level 6 tournament is a prize money event that attracts skilled, competitive local and out-of-state players from coast to coast for NTRP division-level singles and doubles play in age divisions from teens to seniors.
Tournament Director Matt Gleason of USTA Southwest and IronOaks tennis pro Kwong Young counted 279 entries from last year and anticipate an even higher number of participants this year.
“The tournament also brings in spectators from around the Valley who enjoy viewing high-level play, sharp and strong hitting, and exemplary sportsmanship,” Young says.
The tournament honors the late Jason Morton, the head pro at IronOaks and the founder and designer of the original Oakwood tennis facility before it became IronOaks Tennis Club. The tennis facility was dedicated to Morton in April of 2011, shortly before his passing.
Morton represented the U.S. in eight international cup competitions and won more than 100 gold and silver balls in national tournaments. He was a member of numerous tennis halls of fame and participated in 12 International Tennis Federation championships, 61 U.S. national championships, and four U.S. Professional Tennis Association championships. Perhaps his most famous tennis role, however, was serving as the chair umpire in the infamous “Battle of the Sexes” match between women’s tennis icon Billie Jean King and the notorious tennis hustler Bobby Riggs.
Plan to pull up a chair and enjoy the beautiful spring weather while viewing some of the best tennis of the year.
About IronOaks Tennis Club
The IronOaks Tennis Club of Sun Lakes is a nonprofit organization promoting programs that encourage participation in tennis at all skill levels for its members. IOTC provides an active tennis program, including organized play, social play, league play, tournaments, and intraclub and interclub events. IOTC also promotes fellowship and good sportsmanship among its 300-plus members and provides a variety of activities for their enjoyment.