June Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association Event Results

Buddy Meola

The month started with the Ace of Aces Qualifier for the Ace of Aces Championship, to be played at the end of the year. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify.

Blue Flight: Low Gross Pat Conry, Low Net Steve Ambroso

White Flight 1: Low Gross Timothy Mandt, Low Net Gary Hunnel

White Flight 2: Low Gross Duane Payton, Low Net Herbye White

Green Flight: Low Gross Martin Schniepp, Low Net Dennis Madigan

The Summer Sizzler was a two-day low net by flight event played on June 10 and 17. A lunch was held after play on the 17th. A skins payout was also part of both days’ play.

Blue Flight: Low Net Don Cerimeli, Second Low Net Steve Satumo

White Flight 1: Low Net Dan Paxton, Second Low Net Gary Hunnel

White Flight 2: Low Net Pat Hawkins, Second Low Net Vic DeGrande

On June 24 a Beat the Pro Four-Man Team Competition was held. Each team had two players from the CMGA and PVGA. Only five teams were able to beat the score of 48.5 posted by the pros.

July competition included an Ace of Aces Qualifier, a flighted Match Play event, an ABCD Team Challenge, and an ABCD Stapleford event which awarded points for your net score on each hole. The Cottonwood course was closed one week for aeration.