Sarah Marks
Junk Journaling is the latest craft craze sweeping the country. It’s an outlet of creative expression for everyone. Beginner or experienced, we welcome all to join us the third Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Painting Room in Oakwood Country Club.
As the name implies, supplies involve scraps of paper, fabric, notes, photos, magazine cutouts, and other miscellaneous “junk” we collect with no specific plan for its use. Ticket stubs and buttons, love notes and recipe cards, grandma’s doilies, and paper dolls—bring it all.
Artist and author Sarah Marks is anxious to share this fun adventure in papercraft with you. Whether you are a scrapbooker, sewer, painter, poet, or collage fiend with boxes of “beloved junk,” we invite you to come join us.
It’s a social gathering for sharing tips and techniques with minimal supplies required—enthusiasm and curiosity necessary.
Beginner or experienced, please join us on the third Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Painting Room in Oakwood Country Club.
For more information, please contact Sarah Marks at