Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson

Hopefully, the current progress we’re experiencing pertaining to the coronavirus will continue, and in the not-too-distant future, life will resume to some sort of normalcy. Slowly, things are changing, always with precautions, with somewhat relaxations that allow things to happen at present that were frowned upon not too many days ago. The vaccine program appears to be pretty much under control for those willing to take them, and those dedicated to working in the many areas administering them are doing an outstanding job when product is available. We thank you all for that and know that you’re all well appreciated.

The comfort level at this time hasn’t yet reached a point where our club will be resuming its normal level of operations. Our monthly scheduled organizational meetings will remain in a “holding pattern” until the feeling is that it is safe for not only the club members, but also the community. Any new information regarding any changes to this will be communicated to all of the club’s membership in a timely manner. Our primary focus these days is to be available to all veterans and the community who may need support or assistance in handling an unexpected emergency situation. Nobody ever plans for the unexpected. We do have in our possession an assortment of medical supplies that can help the immediate situation, whether for short-term use or permanent. We suggest you keep our number handy, and for help or assistance, call our chapter commander at the number listed below. You might just want to post that number on your refrigerator for future use if at some later time, you’re in need of perhaps crutches, a walker, or even a wheelchair.

Several members of the Korean War Veterans do get together on a weekly basis at the local IHOP in the Chandler area. If interested and you’re planning on attending for the first time, as a courtesy for the restaurant, please call Skip to let him know and for further details. Everybody is welcome, but the restaurant management greatly appreciates having the expected numbers ahead of time for seating and staffing needs. Have a great day, and if you have any questions, feel free to call Leon “Skip” Johnson at 970-481-3005.