Lady Putters begin 23rd season

Susan Gottschalk

The Sun Lakes Lady Putters has started the 2019-2020 season, our 23rd year. It’s not too late to join in this fun, weekly event—and you don’t have to be a golfer to play or commit to playing each week. Choose a day that fits your schedule and give one of the flight leaders a call to join the club. We welcome new members. We play at Sisk Park in Palo Verde and at the putting greens in Oakwood. Come join us and renew old friendships and make some new friends.

This season’s flight leaders and phone numbers are listed below:

Sisk Park: Monday, Camille Jasien 895-8281, 9 a.m., Nov. 04

Sisk Park: Tuesday, Dianne Burns 588-1876, 9:30 a.m., Nov. 05

Oakwood: Tuesday, Marge Dugan 951-1410, 12:30 p.m., Nov. 12

Sisk Park: Wednesday, Carol Wenger 802-2647 or Marg Pippit 802-6976, 9 a.m., Nov. 06

Sisk Park: Thursday, Terry Dobbs 602-828-7500, 10 a.m., Nov. 07

Club officers and phone numbers are also listed:

President Pat Martin 802-2013

Vice President Phyllis Schrager 605-310-3013

Advisor Jo Bryant 220-2894

Secretary Kathi Bobek 802-7997

Treasurer Camille Jasien 895-8281

Publicity Susan Gottschalk 895-3253

Plans have been made for the Holiday Luncheon scheduled for Dec. 6. And we have a luncheon in the spring to celebrate our season closure. Our raffle drawings at these events allow us to donate to a few local charities.

Monday Flight:

11/04. Kathi Bobek, Sherill Brouhard, Sharon Gouthro, Camille Jasien


1st Phyllis Bass, Kathi Bobek, Sharon Gouthro, Pat Martin, Phyllis Schager; 2nd Camille Jasien

Tuesday Flight:

11/05. Pat Hanson, Lucille Rahilly, Jeanne Doerr, Hilde Powell


1st Laurie Burke, Roseann Soczka

Wednesday Flight:

11/06. Mary Alice Clifford, Judy Hester


1st Mary Alice Clifford, Mary Kunzelman, Pat Weitzel, Grace Amos

Thursday Flight:

11/07. Terry Dobbs, Sharon Downey, Pat Henk, Mitzi Iverson


1st Lorraine Berg, Peg Clapp, Carol Cole, Mitzi Iverson, Jan Merrill, Sharon O’Sullivan, Nina Scinto, Betsy Wedeward; 2nd Sharon Downey