The 2021 Lady Sluggers: kneeling (left to right): Crissy Conners, Roseanne Kuefner, Ann Buckley, and Lynn Casey; back row (left to right): Coach Scott Steinmann, Suzy Steinmann, Ann Hegney, Sharon Bergan, Teresa Dorman, Manager Terry Finley, Sue Rodke, and Mary Alka
Larry Wolfe
It was certainly a different type of season for our Lady Sluggers: The season started and ended earlier than scheduled due to COVID issues, the number of teams in the Valley of the Sun League was cut in half due to the fact the many of the teams had many snowbird and Canadian players, and our team played short-handed at times. But through it all, the Sluggers played competitive ball and had a great time.
The Sluggers would like to thank all the fans who came to the Field of Dreams to cheer them on. They also want to thank Coach Scott Steinmann for his patience and super coaching. In addition, the team had the support of many of the members of the men’s program, including Ken Brenden and Jim Leckner (field preparation), Dennis LePore (umpire and scorers scheduling), Joe Byrne, Tom Erpelding, Randy Neumann, and Larry Wolfe (umpires), and scorers Larry Maggard and Rick Thompson.
As the old Brooklyn Dodger fans always said, “Wait ‘till next year!”