Lady Sluggers Suzy Steinmann, Frankie DeMouth, and Jan Davies in action at the Field of Dreams (photo by Larry Wolfe)
Larry Wolfe
The Lady Sluggers wrapped up their 2023 season in early March with a record of nine wins, 12 losses, and two ties. Even though the team didn’t have a winning record this year, the season itself was a winner, since everyone had a great time! The Sluggers are members of the Valley of the Sun Ladies Senior Softball League, along with eight other teams from throughout the Southeast Valley.
Seven team members had batting averages over .600, led by Frankie DeMouth with a .783 average. Other .600+ hitters were Cheryl Jolin (.750), Terry Finley (.716), Sue Rodke (.684), Sharon Bergan (.678), Jan Davies (.646), and Suzy Steinmann (.625). Jan Davies and Sue Rodke led the team in homeruns with four each.
The team would like to thank the following people for their contributions to the team: Coach Scott Steinmann, Manager Terry Finley, umpires Tom Erpelding and Joe Commisto, scorekeeper and statistician Lynn Tanner, field preparation guys Gary Hillabolt and Bill Jacobson, the SLSSA Board of Directors, and, of course, the many fans who came out to the Field of Dreams to cheer them on.
The players are already looking forward to next season. Practices begin in November, with the 2024 season scheduled for January to March. Check out the Ladies page on our website, www.sunlakessoftball.com, for up-to-date information.