Lady Sluggers game action: Jane Harvey is at bat, Cyndy Hilby is on-deck, and umpire Tom Erpelding is ready to make the call. (Photo by Larry Wolfe)
Lynn Tanner and Cyndy Hilby
Our Lady Sluggers ended their 2024 season on March 4 with two decisive victories against Sunland Springs Village, highlighted by four-baggers by Grace Alvarado and Jan Davies. That improved their final record to 12-16. The team lost several “heartbreakers” this year, which easily could have significantly improved their record. (Wait till next year!)
The top five hitters for the season were Trudy Hall (.754), Frankie DeMouth (.683), Grace Alvarado (.667), Terry Finley (.648), and Cheryl Jolin (.620). Frankie led the team with 49 singles, and Grace was the team leader in doubles (8), triples (4) and homers (2). She also led in slugging percentage with a .960 mark. Trudy had an impressive OPS (on-base plus slugging percentage) of 1.646.
The team would like to thank the many volunteers who support the ladies’ program, including Manager/organizer Terry Finley, coaches Scott Steinmann and Joe Hall, umpire Tom Erpelding, scorekeeper and statistician Lynn Tanner, field preparation and maintenance crew Gary Hillabolt and Bill Jacobson, publicist Larry Wolfe, and the SLSSA Board of Directors. And, of course, a big thank you to the fans who came out to cheer on the team.
The Sluggers now look forward to the next season, with practices starting in November. Keep an eye on the Ladies Team page of our website www.sunlakessoftball.com for up-to-date info.