Catherine Hammond
Registration for the upcoming semester of New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong learning program, has already begun. Nearly 100 offerings provide information on a wide range of topics including history and culture, health and aging and understanding technology.
Three programs focus on learning about Native American culture. Another investigates the city of Chandler’s early days. Danielle Sarah Vernon from Pueblo Grande Museum and Lou-ellen Finter, a member of ASU’s Emeritus College, separately share information about the Hohokam. Van Newville presents “Exploring the Navajo and Hopi Reservations.” In a look at “Chandler’s Early Water and Land Story,” Jody Crago, Museum Administrator for the City of Chandler, exposes “Dr. A.J. Chandler’s creative interpretation of water law and water rights as he convinced people to invest in the area.”
A guest speaker from Hospice of the Valley will describe the progression of dementia and the resources available to help. Elaine Poker-Yount provides eldercare resource information in several different classes. In a lecture on the ways the “environment interacts with our body to produce health and disease,” James Bogash, D.C., talks about the interconnections of the body’s systems. Two assistant professors from ASU, Sydney Schaefer and Daniel Peterson, provide a special class that deals with the “Assessment of Balance and Fine Motor Skills.” Participants in these sessions will take part in a research study.
Intel provides volunteers who furnish “introductory materials to help learners who are new to technology” in their “Learn Easy Steps” program. Bill Maxwell helps participants use their iPads, and William Kramer aids in understanding either iPhone or Android phones.
Complete descriptions of these classes and many others, as well as additional information about New Adventures in Learning, can be found on the website at Registration packets have already gone out by mail to members. Non-members can request the forms they need to join and then register. Call 480-857-5500 or visit the Sun Lakes Center of Chandler-Gilbert Community College located at 25105 S. Alma School Road, Sun Lakes 85248.
Classes begin October 2. Registration by mail or at the Center continues throughout the semester. However, early registration ends on September 8. Many classes fill by that date. Sign up early for these or the many other topics offered. An all-volunteer organization, New Adventures in Learning, is affiliated with Chandler-Gilbert Community College. Dues are $50 a year. Add an additional $15 college registration fee each semester you enroll in one class or more. For additional information, call the Center.