Line Dancing with Judee


Judee Curtis

While looking at our picture from our December dance and remembering all the fun we had, I’m now starting to plan our March dance. What happened to January and February? We have welcomed back our dancers who left last spring, along with a big group of starting dancers. The current dancers and I are amazed how the floor fills during these months. They also realized how fast time flies when having fun when I started the “List of who’s coming to the March dance?” Hopefully, the photographer and writer of this article can get her act together and send in the “picture” and articles for the April papers. Teaching a dance to 50+ dancers actually is easier than “computering.” I think I just added another word to the dictionary.

If you would like to join our group of really nice people, learn how to do line dances chosen by me out of maybe “millions?”, you may register now for classes restarting September 3 (yes, Labor Day) by calling 480-802-0201 after 10:00 a.m. You will be registering for the Ultra Basics Class starting at 11:30 a.m. for $2 per person. You will need to call before the end of August.

If you happen to be a seasoned line dancer who has taken many classes and are in “withdrawal” from Line Dancing, call and possibly register before our “restart.” A line dancer would know what those “quotes” mean. Once you are an experienced line dancer, you know you just want to “Keep on Dancing.” Yes, there are dances with that title, six of them on Copperknob. Might have to give them a look and maybe teach one. God Bless Line Dancing!