Line Dancing with Judee


Judee Curtis

Sometimes “Life” gets in the way of “Fun.” We’ve had many dancers not able to come to classes at times, and the dance on Sunday, March 4. There have been many illnesses, loss of loved ones, injuries and major health issues. We can’t wait for the return of dancers, because we really miss them! Even “Fun” gets in the way of “Fun,” as we had many dancers absent because of family visits and obligations.

It’s wonderful and humbling to hear, “That was a really good class!” “This is really good exercise!” “That’s my favorite dance and/or song!” “Can we do that dance again?” “I really have to focus, but I got it!” “I love your classes and the way you teach.” Plus, clapping shows appreciation of “what just happened.” And when they yell, “Dilly, Dilly!” you know all is right with the world!

We already miss the dancers who will be “going away,” but they have their name on the “Coming Back” file. New people who have come to our area have an opportunity to join the list of new dancers, current full-time dancers and returning dancers. You can register now for a class on Monday, Labor Day, September 3, for $2 by calling 480-802-0201 after 10:00 a.m. I will save you a spot for the Ultra Basics Line Dance class. You need to register by August for this class. After a few weeks of classes, registration of new dancers will end, and registrations will be taken for our Monday, January 7, classes.

Line Dancers need no partner; however, we have couples who enjoy this activity, help each other at home and have fun in class and at our dances. Line Dancing is a blessing for those who can dance on their own. Be prepared for the fact that it is exercise, so you must be able to “move” without taxing your body. You need to be able to follow directions, hear directions and know that if you do not “follow the feet of other dancers,” you will be learning and dancing while listening to great music. Line Dancing is mostly “mind,” so the body can do the moves and dances. LD is good for you, just like the vegetables our mothers wanted us to eat. Escape with us in this “Crazy World”! God Bless Line Dancing! Dilly, Dilly!