Love is in the air


Lois Valleau

It’s February, and we’re moving into the expression of love, right on the heels of January when we may have set resolutions for improving our lives. We most often hear romantic love spoken of in relation to Valentine’s Day, but what if we vowed to love ourselves more this month. I’m sure for each of us it would be different, but how would it be for you?

How would you love your body, your mind, your emotional nature and your Spirit more than you do now? I’d like to offer some suggestions for your consideration. To begin with, you might intend to love all aspects of yourself more.

Perhaps it would be helpful to your body if you adjusted your diet to eat more fruit and vegetables or to get more movement into your day or decide to take a daily nap.

Your mind might appreciate it if you put some relaxing music on and closed your eyes to rest deeply. If you don’t now meditate, try it. YouTube has many meditations to guide you. If there is something new you’d like to learn, let this be the time.

Our emotional self loves balance. Heal a relationship from which you have been estranged. It may be less important who is right than that you can love and accept each other.

Spirit is always within and around us. We are never alone. However, you may find solace from reading a spiritual book, attending a retreat or reaching out for support or guidance.

You may want to give yourself the gift of Reiki. Although each person is different, usually the first thing one feels when receiving Reiki is a sense of deep relaxation and peace. Then Reiki begins to balance the body on all levels.

In our Reiki I class, the first thing one learns is how to give Reiki to oneself. Then we teach how to give Reiki to others. We love ourselves so that we may easily love others. Giving Reiki to ourselves and others in a 12-hour class is the focus of Reiki I. Students receive four attunements which open the energy centers for the Reiki to flow through them and to the client. Then the emphasis is on practice, practice, practice.

The Reiki Circle is a perfect place for students to practice their newly-learned skills. It is also a good place to be introduced to Reiki. We meet every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the Cottonwood courtyard, Room A-2. You need not be Reiki trained to attend. Donations are welcomed.

A Reiki I class is being taught from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 7; Thursday, February 8; and Friday, February 9, by Lois Valleau at her home in Cottonwood. If you are interested or have questions, please call her at 480-883-6699. Here’s to love!