Some of the participants show their Valentine colors.

Carol Mellinger, “The Cookie Queen”
Carole Rockland
The IronOaks Tennis Club held its annual Valentine Social on Feb. 11 at the Oakwood tennis courts. What could be a more appropriate way to prepare for Valentine’s Day than a sport that features Love in its scoring?
Thirty-two participants took part in doubles play over four 30-minute sessions. Random pairing of partners gave players the chance to play, in many instances, with partners new to them. A good time was evidenced by the smiling faces as the hardworking folks lined up for ice cream sundaes and Valentine treats following play.
Thanks to the organizing committee of Carole Rockland, Edith Tanniru, and Claire Wilcox and to Carol Mellinger for donating a beautiful tray of cookies. Love, indeed, was in the air!