LunchBunch 1 Turns 24

Jo Schaefer

On July 20 LunchBunch 1 celebrated turning 24 at an old favorite, the Olive Garden. Our very first luncheon was held at Tessa’s Tea and Treasures in Phoenix in July of 1999. At that time, our choices here were pretty much Wendy’s or McDonald’s. So we decided to venture east a bit and found some interesting places, such as Boulders, the Biltmore, the Wrigley Mansion, etc. As traffic got more congested, more places popped up here, and now we are content to stay mainly in our own backyard.

We have had many changes in our membership throughout the years. Some of our gals moved, sadly, we lost some, but we have welcomed many new faces and still do. And we are looking forward to turning 25 next year.