Tony Simonelli introduces Masters Tennis to the crowd at the Oakwood tennis courts.
On April 20 the IronOaks tennis courts featured something new—Masters Tennis. IronOaks Tennis Club member Tony Simonelli introduced spectators to Masters Tennis (also known as Senior Tennis) and gave everyone a chance to participate. This fun and easy-on-your-body game is played with a standard tennis racquet on a smaller tennis court with a slower ball. Play and scoring are the same as regular tennis.
• Do you think tennis has too much running?
• Are you tired of battling shoulder, elbow, knee, or hip injuries?
• Do you want to stay active in the game you love?
• Do you want to sharpen your tennis strokes?
• Do you want a great way to start learning to play tennis?
• Do you just want to make some new friends?
If your answer to any of these questions is yes, Masters Tennis is the game for you! Tony Simonelli will help you get started with Masters Tennis every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and every other Thursday at 7:30 a.m. For more information or to RSVP, contact D.D. Kullman at [email protected].