Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank and Reach Out Sun Lakes Help During Extended Heat

Jim Meagher

Extraordinary circumstances create extraordinary problems and require development of creative programs that address these issues in a compassionate and effective manner. This is what Matthew’s Crossing’s leadership has been focused on to address the increased demand for services they have been providing and are experiencing this summer.

An excellent example of the creative responses Matthew’s Crossing has implemented recently is to partner with Women4Women Tempe under the leadership of Kay Wright. Women4Women partners with private industry, not-for-profits, local government, and community organizations to address the hygiene needs of marginalized women in their service area. Matthew’s Crossing has recently initiated distribution of more than 200 female hygiene kits provided by Women4Women to their clients. The kits are assembled by groups of local citizens who work as a team to “pack” the kits that Kay provides to organizations like Matthew’s Crossing throughout the Valley. Spearheading this service activity in Sun Lakes, by having “packing parties,” are the DD Chapter of PEO (a women’s philanthropic organization) and United Methodist Church of Sun Lakes. The bottom line is that a severe problem in our community is being attacked in a creative and synergistic way by the people of Sun Lakes working together through the organizations mentioned above to support Matthew’s Crossing.

Reach Out Sun Lakes collects food and financial donations from the following sites. Their July 31 year-to-date donation totals are as follows: Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club (meets at Risen Savior Lutheran Church): 485 pounds of food and $601 cash. Collection for the Bridge Club is on the second Tuesday of each month in the south parking lot between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. The Democratic Club of Sun Lakes: 168 pounds of food and $1,255 cash. The Democratic Club pickup is before their meeting each month in the east parking lot at Sun Lakes Country Club. Unity Church: 143 pounds of food and $570 cash. Unity Church community members will begin to contribute in the fall. Sun Lakes Country Club (Phase 1): 68 pounds of food and $160 cash. Donations may be left at Sun Lakes Country Club during their normal working hours at any time in a donation box at the front desk. Year-to-date our team has collected $1,586 cash and 841 pounds of food for Matthew’s Crossing.

If you have questions or wish to join this multifaceted community project, contact Jim Meagher of Reach Out Sun Lakes at [email protected] or 630-346-1966.