John Ladd
John Ladd, New Treasurer
John Ladd has graciously agreed to assume the duties of MOGA treasurer. He retired to Sun Lakes in 2015 after more than 40 years in the accounting field where he was a financial controller for most of that time, having earned both an MBA degree and CPA Certificate.
His love for golf started over 50 years ago. To date, he has been in six different men’s club organizations, three in California and three in Arizona. Most recently, he served as treasurer and membership chairman for the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) and was on the CMGA Board from 2017 to 2022. He also served as president, tournament director, treasurer, and secretary for the Los Paisanos Golf Club in Santa Barbara, Calif., and was on their board from 1994 until 2014.
While a member of the CMGA Board, he attended two training sessions offered by the Arizona Golf Association. The most recent one was on the World Handicap System.
He looks forward to serving the MOGA Board as well as its members. Thank you, John, for being willing to donate your time and talents to help MOGA!
Board Elections
The current slate of officers and volunteers for the upcoming election is as follows:
Elected Positions: President: Matt Robertson, Vice President: Gregg Harney, Treasurer: John Ladd, Secretary: Vic Russelavage
Appointed Positions: Tournament Director: Michael Niccum, Rules Chair: Jerry Behm, Membership Chair: Wayne Karp, Prizes Chair: Steve Engler, Webmaster: Fred Smith, Publicity: Bruce McCorkle
If you would like to nominate someone for any of these positions, please notify a board member.
Christmas Party
Last year’s Christmas party was a huge success, and we expect this year’s to be even better. Set aside Friday, Dec. 13, for a fun evening of fellowship, dining, and dancing.
Major Events Coming Soon
12/3 and 12/5: Ryder Cup
12/12: Oakwood Shootout Finals
Membership Renewal
Be sure to renew your MOGA membership before it’s too late. To do so, go to the MOGA website at mogagolf.org and click on the “Renew Your MOGA Membership” button at the top of the page.
First Place Winners in Their Flight
10/03 Par 3 Shootout: Steve Engler, Gary Hodges, Todd Harms, Dennis Winchell, Eddie Cauffman, Chris Kempley; Team: Steve Engler, Dean Skaret, Carl Hurst
11/07 Team Best 2 Net: Clary Childers, Norman Marks, Kurt Schnabel, Ted Osborne
Club Championship, Round 1
Flight 1: Bruce Pape, Senior: Dale Redger, Super Senior: Bill Beltz