Garry Loncon, MOGA President’s Cup Champion
President’s Cup
Garry Loncon persevered and pulled out a narrow one-point victory over Jeffery Cohen in the three-week MOGA President’s Cup Tournament (216 vs. 217). While Jeffery stood alone in second place and Lee Smith was the only third place winner, fourth place was shared with Rodger Brandt, Eddie Cauffman, Kirwan Flannery, Gary Leath, James Schaper, and Arthur Whitmore at 219. Congratulations to Garry!
Palo Verde Home and Home
Ward Stone and Daniel Kiska joined forces with Richard Koon and Mitch Berger to win the Palo Verde Home and Home Tournament by a whopping 10 strokes! Congratulations!
First-Place Winners in Their Flight
2/16 Low Net: Lee Smith, Matt Robertson, Mark Nichols, Ron Rogers, James Light, Michael Krol, Jeffrey Cohen, and Ted Osborne
2/23 Low Net: Dick Deacon, Gary Leath, Brian Thornton, and Eddie Cauffman
3/09 Team 1, 2, 3: Jeffery Cohen, Richard Engler, Steve Engler
Oakwood Shootout
The following golfers earned a spot in the prestigious Oakwood Shootout Championship Tournament in December by finishing first in their flight on March 2: Brady Serold, Dale Redger, Daniel Kiska, Ron Marshall, Ron Jenks, and Rex Utsler.
Coming Soon
Oakwood Shootout, April 13
Cottonwood Home and Home, April 20 and 22
Oakwood Shootout, May 4
For more information, go to www.mogagolf.org.
No Show Policy per Mark Nilsen, Tournament Director
If you have signed up but realize you cannot play, you can cancel by using Chelsea (before Sunday noon) and going through the “Delete an Event Request” option or by calling the Add/Cancel line or Pro Shop at least 30 minutes before the scheduled tee time. Otherwise, you will be considered a no show and cannot play the following week.
Doug Stodgel, Rules Chairman
FAQ: May I remove stones in the bunkers?
Answer: Yes. Stones are loose impediments, and you may remove any loose impediments that are in a bunker, even when your ball came to rest there (Rule 12.2a). But be very careful that your ball does not move. If it does move, you will incur a one-stroke penalty, and you must replace your ball.
FAQ: May I touch the sand with my club when my ball is in the bunker?
Answer: Touching the sand with your club immediately in front of or behind your ball, during a practice swing or during your backswing, is a penalty (Rule 12.2b(1)). If you do this in match play, it is loss of hole penalty; in stroke play, it is a two-stroke penalty.
MOGA Photo Album
A MOGA photo album is now available for free in print at the Pro Shop and online at mogagolf.org. Click on “League Information,” then “Member Photos.” If you would like to be added to the online version, please contact Bruce McCorkle at [email protected].