Picture (left to right) Doug Braun, Dan Boggard, Eddy Renio, Craig Annis, TJ Jones, Aki Yasuda, Barbara and Jim Hooyman; missing are Brian Keene, Rich Castro, Ross Dupuis and Paul Dinardo.
Bob Greene, Publicity
With the advent of the hot days of summer and the migration of golfers, often referred to as snowbirds to other parts of the state and country, it is as if the golf season is drawing to a close, or at least a significant reduction of numbers of players on the courses. Having said farewell to friends and fellow golfers it is an appropriate time to say thank you to those individuals that remain and put in so much time and effort during the golfing season to make MOGA days happen.
First to thank is Chelsea, the lady at the Splash editorial office. Without her expertise and patience, the MOGA article would not make the Splash each month.
Mr. Aki Yasuda, Chairman of Tournaments and webmaster, deserves special recognition for all the time he devotes to determine the type of game for the day and the team pairings. Can you imagine all the effort that is needed each week just pairing-up players with similar handicaps and then following the event, reviewing scores to determine the winners. Aki has been doing that for several years without compensation. He even orders the doughnuts for the special occasions and he has to be Mr. Congeniality to resolve questions and complaints before and after tournaments.
And a special thank you goes to the Pro Shop staff, Eddy Renio, Barbara, Gary, Carol and Kevin. We sincerely appreciate all the time and effort that you folks behind the desk give to make our tournaments successful. You go above and beyond by assisting in setting up the pre-game score cards and procedures and the pre and post-game refreshments and assisting in tabulating and posting game scores. You extend yourself to make the MOGA day a social event as well as a golf tournament.
And finally, there is another group of unsung workers, and that is the officers and committee persons; President TJ Jones, Vice President Doug Braun, Treasurer Jim Hooyman, Secretary Craig Annis, Rules Ross Dupuis, AGA Membership Brian Keene and Rich Castro and Handicap Dan Bogaard. They devote a lot of time tabulating data and keeping records current in addition to meeting at least once per month on Tuesday morning to review the financial and organizational status of MOGA and the pending tournaments.
On May 5 the Beat the Pro Tournament was held on the Lakes/Sonoran courses. First place was Larry Horner with a net score of 60. The top 10, all with scores below 69, were R. Cauffman, A. Gibbs, P. Wilson, T. Bezrutczyk, R. Lockhart, S. Westhoff, W. Stone, E. Meyer and D. Schepp. Closest to the Pin on Sonoran No. 3 was L. Horner and on the Lakes No. 2 was H. Weiss. Congratulations to all that beat the pro.
PLEASE help to take care of the courses by sanding your divots ad fixing ball marks on the greens.
For all the scores and happenings of MOGA be sure to visit the website at http://mogagolf.org.