Motorcycle Riders of Sun Lakes
Christine Lauzon
Motorcycle Riders of Sun Lakes began the new season with renewed enthusiasm in November. Rides to Maricopa, Marana, Gila Bend and Tonopah are examples of the recent weekly Wednesday rides. Plans are underway for overnight trips to Tombstone, Bisbee and Williams. Although it is of course the journey and not the destination that counts, the lunch stop is always enjoyable! In November a small group attended the Rocky Point Bike Rally and in April will attend the Laughlin River Run. The group welcomes all makes of bikes and focuses on safety as well as fun, with socials planned on a monthly basis. There are no fees associated with this group; the only requirement is a love of riding and a desire to experience the beautiful desert scenery. If you are interested in joining this adventurous group please contact Stan Kaufman for further details at 701-202-2310. No bad rides!