Agave Community Service Chairs Pat Johnson and Terri Austin proudly display carry bags headed for several area women’s shelters.
The Agave Quilt Guild of Sun Lakes opens the 2015 year with nationally known speaker, writer and quilter Barbara Polston on the January 7 at the Oakwood Ballroom at 1:00 p.m. At the meeting, Barbara will debut her newest quilting book, Quilting with Doilies, published by Schiffer. Advanced copies may be available at the meeting for autographing by the author. Her new book and her lecture/trunk show, “Secrets of the Linen Whisperer,” highlight the use of antique linens; like handkerchiefs doilies, napkins, tea towels and table scarves in quilts and quilted projects. Almost all of us have some kind of aging linen in our homes and Barbara will show us how to get them out of the drawer and into a quilt. For this special meeting, membership in Agave is required; please, wear your name tag so we can identify you as a member. However, if you are not already a member, or if you have not renewed for 2015, you can join or renew before the meeting by paying the yearly dues of $20.
Our Holiday Luncheon held in December was our best ever. More than 120 members attended the lunch held in the Oakwood Ballroom and the overall response was definitely thumbs-up! Special thanks go to the Agave Community Service Chairs, Pat Johnson and Terri Austin, for all their hard work in designing and assembling this year’s project: a beautiful ladies tote filled with all kinds of personal care products. More than 60 finished and filled bags were distributed to local East Valley women’s shelters just before the holidays. The women and children served by these groups often arrive with nothing at all except what they are wearing. Any donations of travel products (which we really need) or cash from Sun Lakes area residents will immediately be put to good use. Just stop by during a meeting to make a donation.
President Faith Bragg reminds all members that their President’s Challenge small quilt project, “Holidays and Special Occasions” is due at the January meeting, with voting at the February meeting. The prizes this year are simply wonderful; first place is $150, second is $125, and third is $100 with Viewer’s Choice (voted at the Quilt Show in March) earning $100. Agave also announces that the new location for the upcoming March 28, 2015 Quilt Show is confirmed as the Oakwood Country Club in Oakwood, not the Sun Lakes Country Club, as in past years.