Neighborhood owls lead to art intrigue

Margaret Crusoe

Over the last three months, residents who frequent the greenbelt in Phase 1 have been fascinated by a family of owls. They built a nest in one of the tall trees west of Lake 7. The mother and her two babies have usually been visible throughout the day. The father has been nearby, keeping watch over his family. What a treat it has been watching the little, fluffy infants grow up. It has been a fun social event for the neighborhood. The adolescents and their parents have moved on to trees closer to Lake 7.

As an artist, I had to transfer this experience into a painting. If you would like to have a memento of this event, go to and search under my name, Margaret Crusoe. There you will see this image on items from prints to mugs.

If you would like to develop your drawing or painting skills, I give lessons in my home. For more information, contact me at [email protected] or 480-266-4473.