Judith Kraker, Agave member and professional quilter, shares her delightful light-up Christmas quilt with attendees at the holiday party.
The Agave Quilt Guild, now over 20 years old, is moving to a new location beginning with the upcoming January 6 1:00 p.m. meeting. Agave now meets in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club. 25425 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85248 and not in Oakwood. Beginning with the January meeting, all guests will be charged a $5 guest fee to offset rising operating costs, and Agave’s need to carry insurance for our membership. If you did not yet pay your yearly dues, please do so at the membership table at the January meeting. Since the deadline for dues has passed, late dues are charged a $5 late fee. Otherwise, you will revert to guest status and be charged the $5 lecture fee.
Current members who are participating in the Bragg President’s Challenge (What’s black, white and red and any other color?) should bring their finished small quilt (no more than 24 x 24 inches) to the January meeting and turn it in to President Faith. Please put your project in a pillow case or plastic bag so that your submission remains anonymous until after judging by the entire membership at the February meeting.
The guest speaker for the January meeting is the founder and creator of Triangles on a Roll Sylvia Hirsch. Sylvia will show us what this brilliant and easy paper-piecing method is all about, and what wonderful and artistic quilts it can help us produce.
2016 quilt show registration is ongoing and January 15 is the last date to submit a registration for the April show. Completed registrations can be brought to the January meeting along with two photos of your quilt. It is hoped that all Agave members will enter a quilt or two, of any style, size or type, as all are welcome! There will also be volunteer sign-ups for those who can help with the show.
Remember always, that friendship, education and special interest groups are Agave’s main focus, along with low cost classes and guest teacher workshops as highpoints. Quilters of all skill levels are welcome to join us at any time. See you at the new meeting place in January!